Freiwilligendienst International
Europäischen Solidaritätskorps (ESK) Entsendeorganisation
Der AWO Landesverband Bremen e.V. entsendet junge Menschen mit dem Europäischen Solidaritätskorps (ESK) in’s Ausland!
Du wolltest schon immer länger im Ausland leben und dich in einem Projekt engagieren, um deinen Horizont zu erweitern? Dann bist du beim ESK genau richtig! Du hast die Möglichkeit, ein Jahr einen Freiwilligendienst in unterschiedlichsten Einrichtungen in einem europäischen Land zu machen und wir unterstützen dich dabei!
Auf der Plattform des ESK findest du eine Fülle an Angeboten, auf die du dich bewerben kannst (;
Du hast bereits ein Projekt gefunden, bei dem du gerne deinen Freiwilligendienst absolvieren willst? Dann komme auf uns zu und wir unterstützen dich als Entsendeorganisation bei der Vorbereitung und Ausreise. Wir bereiten dich mit einem Seminar auf deinen Freiwilligendienst vor und stehen dir im Vorfeld bei Visumsangelegenheiten und Fragen rund um den ESK und dein Auslandsjahr zur Seite.
Wenn du noch kein Projekt gefunden hast, kannst du trotzdem gerne auf uns zukommen, wir versuchen dann mit dir gemeinsam ein passendes Projekt im Ausland zu finden!
Schreibe deine Bewerbung mit Lebenslauf und Motivationsschreiben an schreiben Sie uns.
Für mehr Informationen besuche die Website des ESK: www.solidaritä
Du kannst dich auch jederzeit mit deinen Fragen an uns wenden unter 0421/40887712 oder schreiben Sie uns.
International volunteering programs
The AWO Landesverband Bremen e.V. is an approved central organization of voluntary welfare. Our aim is to establish sustainable social politics that add to the prevention of and the fight against social exclusion. In the light of the organization's historical background as part of the working class movement the lived values of solidarity, tolerance, freedom, equality and justice provide the basis for our actions.
Our objectives for the European Solidarity Corps programme are to provide the opportunity for young adults - irrespective of their financial situation, their religion, their gender or generally their origin – in Europe to have a learning experience that enforces their intercultural competences and democratic understanding during their longterm voluntary stay.
You have the opportunity to take part in one of the following volunteering activities, according to your interests and profile:
Nachbarschaftshaus Helene Kaisen (na‘) Bremen (Community Center)
What are your tasks?
- Accompanying weekly offers
- Reception of groups and visitors of the house
- Support of events
- Development and implementation of an independent project, based on the volunteers preferences and skills
- In the beginning to get to the place: Assistance with routine facility tasks
The volunteer gets an insight and a basic understanding of the facility and its tasks. Both the relevance of the work for the district and knowledge about the district itself are developed step by step. The needs of the visitors also play a major role, as they have an influence on the houses offers.
If you are interested in a volunteering at the Nachbarschaftshaus, please send ideas for creative projects and objections for your stay along with your application.
AWO Youth Centre Burglesum, Bremen
The AWO Youth Center Burglesum is an important point of contact for young people from the Burglesum district and beyond. There are great social inequalities in the surrounding districts of Burgdamm, Lesum and Grambke, and the young people who come to us are very diverse in terms of age, families of origin and educational background.
The focus of our work is leisure-time educational offers as well as intercultural work and integration work during the so called “open door”. In this context there are gender-specific offers, sports and exercise offers, music and creative offers as well as trips and excursions. The participation of the visitors in the planning and development of these offers is important to us.
Most of the work takes place in the afternoons and evenings.
Your profile:
- You are interested in working with young people
- You are committed and want to contribute your interests and ideas to the development of leisure activities
- You are open and aware of prejudice
- You are empathetic and capable of conflict
- You are independent and able to work in a team
Your tasks:
- Development, organization and implementation of leisure activities, holiday programs, excursions and trips
- Sale of drinks and snacks in our "café"
- Help with schoolwork
- Office activities (design notices, copying, etc.)
- Activities in and around the house (tidying up, disinfecting, shopping, minor renovation work, etc.)
We offer:
- A versatile and varied field of work
- Qualified guidance and support
- Work in a professional team
- Space and resources to develop and implement your own exciting leisure activities (supported by the professionals).
- The opportunity to gain experience in the field of open youth work and to try things out.
For the AWO Youth Club Fockengrund (Bremen) we are looking for European Volunteer (m/f/d)
The Fockengrund Youth Club is an AWO facility and has been a meeting place for numerous young people from Grambke in Burglesum for over 40 years. The visitors of the facility are predominantly young people from the neighbourhood with and without a migrant background.
The goals of our work are mainly socialisation and integration tasks, support in personality development and life orientation. Furthermore, we provide help in building up life perspectives through educational and recreational measures as well as counselling and discussions. Open door work is an integral part of our services. The work takes place in the afternoons and evenings.
Your profile:
- You are interested in working with young people.
- You are committed and want to contribute your interests and ideas to the development of leisure activities.
- You are open-minded and aware of prejudice
- You are empathetic and able to deal with conflicts
- You are independent and a team player
- You are patient, open to discussion and spontaneous.
Your tasks:
Under the guidance of the specialist staff, you will support us with
- recreational work with youths and young adults from the Grambke/Burglesum district
- Help with schoolwork
- Office work (creating notices, copying, etc.)
- Activities in and around the house (tidying up, disinfecting, shopping, minor renovation work etc.)
We offer:
- A versatile and varied field of work
- Qualified guidance and support
- Work in a professional team
- Space and resources to develop and implement your own exciting leisure activities (supported by the professionals).
- The opportunity to gain experience in the field of open youth work and to try things out.
For more detailed information contact us!